Cold Beans Salad

Cold Beans Salad Crunchy and visually appealing, serve this chilled. Make the salad a little tangy and salty and marinate for a long time for a great taste! Thanks to my friend Madhavi for sharing this recipe with me.
Prep Time
15 Minutes + Overnight soaking time.
Cooking Time
15 Minutes
4-5 People
Kidney Beans / Rajma
Garbanzo /  Kabuli Chana
Green Gram
Moth Gram
Black Eyed beans
Finely Chopped Raw Mango
Finely Chopped Red Capsicum
Finely Green Capsicum
Lemon Juice
Chaat powder
1 handful
1 handful
1 handful
1 handful
1 handful
1 handful
½ Cup
½ Cup
½ Cup
To Taste
To Taste
½ Tsp. (To Taste)
1.  Soak all the beans (kidney Beans, Garbanzo, Green Gram, Moth Gram, black eyed beans) overnight in water.
2.  Drain the water. Add peanuts to the soaked grains and pressure cook them for 1 whistle and simmer the flame for 1 minute and switch off the stove.
3.  Take out the beans (after pressure is released), let them cool to room temperature and add the cut veggies. Add lemon juice, chaat powder and salt and mix well.
4.  Let this marinate and keep in the refrigerator.
5.  Serve this salad chilled.
Note: Tastes better with marinating. So you can even serve after a day of marinating.


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